Embedded World 2024 is happening soon. Please join us to learn more about how our new security initiatives can address EU Cybersecurity Act and give our customers peace of mind with Enterprise Linux, ranging from built-in security for the long term with Secure by Default configurations to secure software supply chain.
If you’re interested in booking a time with our team, please drop us an email to or a line on LinkedIn!
No ticket yet?Collect a FREE ticket with our voucher code “ew24519657”.
Hall 4 Stand 4-650
IISKO LAPPALAINEN VICE PRESIDENT, PRODUCT MANAGEMENT MONTAVISTA SOFTWARE MAGNUS NEMELL VICE PRESIDENT, EMEA SALES MONTAVISTA SOFTWAREWHY DID I GET THIS NEWSLETTER? You’ve received this issue of MontaVista’s newsletter because you agreed to receive marketing communication from us. We hope you choose to receive more news in the future, but you can unsubscribe at any time.
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