When CentOS 6 was announced to go end of life (EOL) with the 6.10 release, some probably thought “well, all good things must come to an end.” It didn’t take long, but the frantic notices, blogs, and community warnings about upgrading immediately came out and now engineering teams are scrambling to firm up and implement migration plans to CentOS 7 or 8. Or maybe even other Linux platforms. Many probably begrudgingly, as CentOS 6 has served them well, with their products mature and stable. Moving to a newer CentOS platform will cause time consuming migration planning. Engineering execution resources will need to be allocated with possible retesting of a product or solution that was stable, secure, and enjoying high customer satisfaction.
But what if CentOS 6.10 support need not end? This could give product teams breathing room to implement a more controlled and planned migration strategy for their customer base, and more importantly extend life into an already viable solid product.